Heavy and Ultra Long Range Jets
Heavy and Ultra Long Range private jets are large cabin aircraft offer more space and longer ranges Heavy jets can offer a range of up to 7,000 nautical miles or up 14hours of flight time depending on the aircraft

The Large Private Jet Advantage:

Personalized care
From your go-to travel drink to your daughter’s favorite cookie, we learn our Owners’ preferences so every flight experience is exceptional. While flying a large private jet transatlantic or transpacific, you’ll have the added comfort of an experienced flight attendant meeting your every need.

Titan Flight Attendant on Every Flight

Titan Connects® Text & Talk Service

Titan On-Demand In-Flight Entertainment System

Universal Power Outlets Accessible at Every Seat

Ample Luggage Storage Capacity

Signature Series In-Flight Dining
One-Ways and Empty Leg Movements
View our list of Empty legs and request to book
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